Creating a Ubuntu 20.04 Virtual Machine in Windows
This guide comes off the back of the Xiaomi OpenWrt Guide, a few people asked me to create a Windows version of that guide and I tried, I tried for about 4 hours to get the exploit to work on windows and when I finally managed to get it to work I had no idea…
Mafia II – Definitive Edition Cinematic Movie
We edited down the whole Mafia II playthrough into a Cinematic move showing the full story line of the game end to end! We left in the odd bit of gameplay for clarity of the story.
Artmoney: How to cheat almost any game – Easily!
Cheating games has been around for since the good old Konami code all those years ago, and ever since people have found ever more interesting ways to cheat games. In this video, I speak about Artmoney a simple free tool I’ve been using since I was on Windows 98 I’m sure. Put simply most games…
Mafia II Definitive Edition Part 4 Finale – no commentary
Chapters 14 and 15 the finale to Mafia II Definitive edition. All Vito’s and Joe’s actions have spiralled out of control, they have woven a mass tapestry with one major loose end to take care of! The final VT was a surprise to me, though I had expected something to make the events line up…
Mafia II Definitive Edition Part 3 – no commentary
After the what happened in part 2 we begin by helping Joey get himself back on his feet, unfortunately, as with most things with Joey involved seem to turn out badly, I was surprised how after these events how Joey seems to forget about the incident completely but no sense in dwelling I guess?! A…